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Watch or participate in our latest CQ events and stay up to date with our take on culture, inclusion and global leadership, with the help of international cultural intelligence experts.

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September - Masterclass:

Change is spelled N,O,R,M,A,L

The Challenge

Have you noticed that we never stop change? Before one change program ends, another has already begun. Embracing change as the new normal can be overwhelming, making it difficult to stay grounded and lead effectively.

The Solution

Join renowned expert Dr. Andy Brough in this masterclass as he provides strategies to help you and your team navigate change with resilience and adaptability. Learn to stay grounded, lead your team through transitions, and embrace change positively.

The Outcome

– Transform your approach to managing change
– Foster greater adaptability in your team
– Leverage cognitive diversity and build a strong cultural foundation

October - Masterclass:

Including you: Why you need inclusion

The Challenge

In today’s competitive business landscape, overlooking inclusion isn’t just a missed opportunity—it’s a risk. Failing to embrace inclusive behaviors can severely impact working relationships, weaken team performance, and hinder overall success.

The Solution

Join our Masterclass, led by inclusion expert Ana Vukovic, to understand why inclusion matters to you—no matter who you are. Learn how to create a workplace culture that thrives on diversity and inclusion, driving improved productivity and stronger collaboration.

The Outcome

– A more inclusive and productive workplace culture
– Stronger team performance and collaboration
– A more attractive and profitable organization

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We’ve got over three decades of experience supporting over 1 million people worldwide. We’re passionate about delivering change; how can we help you?


“As a sponsor of the event, I felt proud as I could observe that the confidence and feeling of recognition increased among the Indian team and this was maintained in a sustainable way afterwards. In particular, I believe it was very effective that consultants chose a mixture of methodologies/ The facilitators we had were of excellent quality and were truly inspirational”

Nora Elisabeth Haberg, Vice President – Strategic Projects