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At Country Navigator, we're constantly innovating to help you navigate the complexities of cultural differences in the workplace. Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our latest feature: Carla, the world’s first AI-powered cultural intelligence coach. She is here to revolutionize the way you approach cross-cultural collaboration in the workplace.

Meet Carla:

Carla uses Country Navigator’s proprietary award-winning content, enriched by insights from over 200 cultural experts and trainers. She offers personalized, unbiased, and stereotype-free guidance, helping you work better with colleagues from around the world.


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So, what can Carla do for you?

Get instant answers:

Dealing with a specific cultural dilemma? Ask Carla directly, and she’ll give you immediate responses personalized to your needs. She’s been trained to give you quick tips so you can communicate more effectively with your cross-border colleagues.

Imagine asking Carla: "What’s the best way to approach feedback with my Japanese colleague?"

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Personalized recommendations:

Carla can recommend tailored learning paths, free masterclasses, or bitesize content relevant to your question. Or she can help you develop specific skills such as "Developing a Global Mindset" or "Inclusive Leadership." These personalized suggestions will help you find the most relevant training to develop your cultural competence.

For instance, Carla might suggest: "Start with the 'Inclusive Leadership' path to improve your team management skills across diverse cultures." Or "Join the upcoming CN Live session on ‘When does now mean later? Worldprism and time' to enhance your perception of time management across cultures."

Worldprism profile guidance:

Tell Carla about your Worldprism cultural intelligence profile and she’ll help you understand your cultural tendencies and how they compare to others. This means you get advice that is not only culturally accurate but also relevant to your personal experiences and preferences.

For example, you might ask Carla: "Since my Worldprism profile suggests I prefer open and direct communication, how should I adapt my communication style for better teamwork with my colleagues in Japan?

Practical advice:

From handling cross-cultural meetings to negotiating with business partners abroad, Carla offers practical advice to help you succeed in diverse environments. She gives you actionable steps to navigate these specific scenarios.

For example, Carla may advise: "When conducting meetings with German colleagues, prioritize clear agendas and direct communication."

Why use Carla?

Carla embodies the essence of Country Navigator’s mission: providing practical cultural intelligence training and tools to help global teams understand cultural differences, adapt behaviors, and thrive at work.

“We are incredibly proud to introduce Carla, the world’s first AI-powered cultural intelligence coach. Carla's commitment to providing fair and balanced advice sets her apart. Trained with Country Navigator’s meticulously screened content, she eliminates stereotypes and respects all cultures offering personalized, unbiased, and practical cultural guidance to professionals worldwide.” Chris Crosby, CEO and Co-Founder, Country Navigator

Carla is your partner in navigating the intricate world of cultural diversity. Whether you’re an individual looking to enhance your cultural competence or a business striving for a more inclusive workplace, Carla is here to support you.

ReadY to experience Carla:

For more than 30 years, we’ve fine-tuned a platform that proves the value of cultural intelligence and diversity and inclusion training for businesses everywhere sign in to test her out yourself or get in touch to learn more. 

Or use the form below to get in touch:



Country Navigator
Post by Country Navigator
Jul 22, 2024 6:03:41 PM
