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What are my Connections?

A ‘connection’ is someone who can view your Worldprism™ profile, and in turn, you can view theirs. By adding someone as a connection, you can start comparing your Worldprism™ profile to better understand the people you work with!

Why should I add connections?  

Connections help you make the most of our platform and its tools, improving how you work with colleagues and boosting your productivity. 

Whilst Worldprism™ is fantastic for understanding your own cultural and workplace preferences, it works best when you use it to compare with others. By adding connections, you can see how your Worldprism™ profiles compare with your colleagues' and receive personalized tips that make working together more effective.  

And it’s not just the Worldprism™ tool that is enhanced by adding connections. Other features like CultureFlex (beta mode) and Quick Tips do, too! These tools take your combined Worldprism™ data to offer custom advice and insights, helping you and your colleagues handle cultural differences with ease. 

Why not start adding connections now and see the benefits for yourself? 

How can I add a connection?  

Use our ‘My Connections’ page to add connections. To find this page, select ‘Worldprism’ from the side navigation panel and click ‘My Connections’ from the drop-down menu.  

Then, select the ‘Invite’ tab and scroll down to invite colleagues from your organization to connect with you. If your organization has an Enterprise account where anyone can join, you can also invite by email – search for a colleague’s work email address in the search bar and click ‘Connect.’  

Once accepted, your colleague will appear on your ‘My Connections’ page and be able to view your Worldprism™ profile.  

Want to remove a connection? Use the blue circular button beside a connection’s name to revoke their access to your profile. 

To check if you’ve received any invitations to connect, select the ‘Connection Requests’ tab to accept.  

A connection can also be added through the ‘My Wordprism Profile’ page, found on the side navigation panel.  Select the ‘invite’ button found below your profile to invite a colleague to connect with you.